Monday, December 6, 2010

The King's Speech

The King's Speech is a true story about a king who has a horrible stammer when he talks and the man who helped him overcome it. It stars Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush and Helena Bonham Carter, who plays Firth's character's wife. It sounds interesting. The film is about a man who becomes king, but has a stammer when he talks. He then hires Rush's character to help him with his speech. It is a simple film about friendship and becoming a better man. There seems to be a lot of true stories coming out. It is nice to see them doing one that is not about sports and war. Even though it takes place during WWII it is about friendship and a man overcoming obstacles. It has already won awards and has also created Oscar buzz. It is also said that is also has Rush's best performance so far.
Geoffrey Rush, in a performance that is as remarkable as it is charming -- possibly the best of his long, distinguished career that includes an Oscar for his eccentric piano prodogy in "Shine" -- is this royal's unconventional Aussie last-ditch chance. A friendship is forged, and we see two lives transformed. No special effects, but many special affects.
Colin Firth has so far had good luck in picking movies. His last film "A Single Man" was a great film that won awards. Geoffrey Rush is a terrific actor that has won numerous awards for his amazing performances. To have a movie with both of them it in means there is a chance it is a great film. There is a need for a film that does not have to deal with blood and guts. It is good that they came out with a film that simply has to do with friendship.

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